Mexico Trademark Registration

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Trademark Services

Trademark Comprehensive Study

Learn if your trademark is available.

This trademark search report will provide you with the attorney´s analysis about registration possibilities for a trademark  and improvement suggestions if required.


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5 business days

NOTE: Includes 1wordmark in 1 class

Trademark Registration Request

Our local specialists will file and process your traditional trademark application before the Mexican Trademark Office ( IMPI). The price includes the official and legal fees for translating and filing one trademark in 1 class. The registration protects your trademark for 10 years. 


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5 to 10 months.

Note: Price does not include official and legal fees for defenses in case of oppositions or legal objections.

Trademark Registration Request  FLAT RATE

Our local specialists will file and process your traditional trademark application before the Mexican Trademark Office (IMPI). The registration protects your trademark for 10 years.  This flat rate, has No hourly fees or other subjective pricing.


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 Registration within 5 to 10 months estimated.

NOTE: See below what our Flat Rate includes**

**Flat Rate includes:

  • Our attorney´s analysis about registration possibilities in 1 class and suggestions to improve them if required.
  • Legal and official fees for filing your trademark in 1 class.
  • Legal and official fees for answering possible oppositions and legal objections.
  • If your trademark is denied on an unjustified basis, according to our attorneys, This Flat rate includes legal fees for filing a lawsuit and representing you before the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa (Specialized Federal Court). *Does not include expenses such as certified copies, apostilles or public notary fees among others that could be required for your legal defense at Court.

Why trademark?

  • You work hard to position your brand in the market. As you increase your sales, your brand becomesan asset and must be protected.
  • Protect your brand from being used by anyone unauthorized by you, use the ® symbol as evidence of the registration.
  • You can license or franchise your brand to increase your market share.
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Our Local Attorneys

Alejandro Rivera García


Francisco Rivera Venegas

Some of our clients´registered trademarks in Mexico